Tulane Talk November 16, 2007


November 16, 2007

Good Morning:

At this time next week we will still be enjoying a university holiday, so I want to take this opportunity to wish all of you and your families a very Happy Thanksgiving.

Often as I look out of my office window or walk the halls of one of our campuses I am struck by how normal and routine everything appears as we all go about our daily work. In years past this sense of normality would not have struck me, but now it fills me with much gratitude.

But while we rejoice in this glorious fall weather and look forward to gathering with our family and friends, we should remember that for many of our neighbors in the city and region a sense of the normal and the routine has not yet returned.

For them we must continue to do whatever we can as individuals and as an institution to give them back their sense of normality and make our community truly whole again. Tulane and all of you are doing a remarkable job in helping our community to rebuild. I am extremely proud of your efforts and am most thankful to be associated with you.

Happy Thanksgiving,
