Tulane Talk November 15, 2002


November 15, 2002

Good Morning,

Every fall semester I make the rounds of college and school faculty meetings, student leader groups, the staff advisory council and various external boards to give an update on the university and discuss any topic of interest to those in attendance. These sessions cover a range of issues, from human resources and university finances to all aspects of the university’s academic enterprise. I wanted to remind you where and how you can find updated information in the event you cannot participate in any of these sessions.

One comprehensive source of information is a report of strategic plan accomplishments provided online at http://www.tulane.edu/%7Estrplan/accomplishments.shtml. Another is the annual report, published online each February and archived at http://www2.tulane.edu/administration_president.cfm. Hopefully, these reports, plus the normal information you receive from Inside Tulane, Tulane Talk, Senate minutes and other forums such as department, school or college meetings, keep you well informed of university events and progress. You should also feel free to e-mail your supervisor or a senior officer to find an answer to a pressing question or provide a comment on any subject of interest to you.

My purpose in raising this topic is to make sure you are aware of the key information sources available to help you keep abreast of university activities and events. With 12,000 students and 5,700 faculty and staff, it is difficult to keep everyone informed. But with the help of technology, you have access to the information you need.

Have a great weekend,
