Tulane Talk November 09, 2012


November 9, 2012

Good Morning:

Now that the presidential election is over, most Americans would agree that the time is long overdue for our elected officials to come together in a true bipartisan spirit to address the pressing needs of our nation, beginning with the financial cliff our country faces.

This is the goal of the Bipartisan Policy Center (BPC), whose fourth annual political summit, “Beyond the Ballot: A Government in Transition,” will take place from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 15, in the Lavin-Bernick Center. Anyone can attend this important summit by http online.

Founded in 2007 by former Senate majority leaders Howard Baker, Tom Daschle, Bob Dole and George Mitchell, the Bipartisan Policy Center promotes cooperation in Congress by presenting lawmakers with solutions to problems in health care, energy, national security, transportation and the economy that are true to both Republican and Democratic ideals.

The summit will feature panel discussions with current and former elected officials, national political strategists and prominent journalists including Trent Lott, former U.S. Senate majority leader; Dan Glickman, former secretary of agriculture under President Clinton; Whit Ayres, Republican pollster and strategist; Maria Cardona, CNN contributor and Democratic strategist; Margaret Hoover, Fox News contributor and author; Melissa Harris-Perry, Tulane professor and MSNBC host and many, many more.

The Bipartisan Policy Center has my vote. I hope to see you there.

Have a great weekend,
