Tulane Talk May 20, 2005


May 20, 2005

Good Morning:

I led a group of faculty and administrators to the State Capitol this week where, as part of the annual Tulane Day at the Legislature, we gave Governor Blanco and various legislators an update on Tulane’s activities and its continued educational and economic importance to the state.

The highlight, however, came later that evening during a special ceremony in which we renamed a popular Tulane scholarship program in honor of our friend, the late Sen. John Hainkel. It was a particularly moving ceremony, with Johnís family in attendance. I think the family appreciated our gesture and, especially, the short film tribute we showed in honor of John.

Please take a minute to view this film at http://www2.tulane.edu/hainkel.cfm

You will be inspired by Sen. Hainkelís lifelong devotion to the people of this state and to the Green Wave.

Have a great Commencement Weekend,
